Pay gaps broken down by age group analysis

As we could see the national net pay gap is 18% based on the sample. This, however, varies with age groups. In younger age groups, and - it should be added that - in groups where the wages are lower, (moreover, these two circumstances go together), the difference between men's and women's wages is smaller. The pay gap rises between the ages of 30 and 40, then slightly decreases between the ages of 40 and 50, then it increases again. The difference is the largest in case of people over 56, as it is 24%. We can conclude that the pay gap increases to the disadvantage of women in older age groups. On the one hand this is partly caused by structural causes (qualification, profession, workplace, years of experience, position, etc.) and on the other hand, by the fact that men seem to learn the "social lesson" of enforcing their interests better, and it seems the discrimination against women is the most prevalent in these age groups.