Main tendencies of the wage differences: revision and summary


10 tenencies
Tendency 1: a surprising result: the biggest pay gap is found in the non-profit sector
Tendency 2: the higher the wages are, the higher the wage differences are.
Tendency 3: Not only the wages but also the wage differences increase with the growth of education level. In other words it is worth learning, but it is worth learning especially for men.
Tendency 4: The pay gap is smaller among high position employees than among subordinates.
Tendency 5. For counties with a few exceptions it is true that the higher the average wages are within the county, the higher the pay gap is.
Tendency 6: The pay gap is the largest in Budapest and other cities, and it is the smallest in county towns and villages which are usually characterised by low salary level.
Tendency 7: The pay gap increases with age, but not evenly.
Tendency 8: the growing number of children increases the wage disadvantages of women
Tendency 9: The pay gap is low within the public sector which is characterised by the high rate of highly educated women.
Tendency 10: Among industries the biggest wage difference can be found in the financial and real estate services which employs many subordinate women with only secondary education and several men with high education level in managerial positions.